I'm sure you've heard the saying about kids where 'one's not enough but two's too many'... I've got a different take on it.
Cravings becoming binges. My cravings are like this moment where I picture"I. O Fortuna" popping into my head and I'm this ballet dancer being pulled from side to side by two male ballet dancers, fighting over me. It's a love vs. hate relationship. Yin vs Yang. I want it but I hate it. I succumb. What it comes down to is a concept that came into my head when I was starting to stuff cookies into my mouth tonight: "Three is not enough, but one was too many." Three doesn't cease your craving, but one is more than you should be eating at that point. That's when my cravings turn into a binge...
Luckily, that stopped my eating the cookies tonight, and I only ate two. I know it could have been much worse, so I was grateful to be able to stop. Thought I'd share.
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