11 December 2012

On the road again..

I'm back.  It's late and so this entry will be short.  I can't believe I haven't blogged in over six months.  I have been cruising down a long road of unhealthy eating and living an inactive lifestyle.  It has to stop. In approximately seven months I will be 30; before this date I have committed to two goals: 

Definite Goal: 
  - to lose 30 pounds by my 30th birthday

Hopeful Goal: 
  - to lose 60 pounds by my 30th birthday. 

Every time I think about weight I get anxiety.  Something small and that I don't even remember now happened earlier today and my immediate thought was 'god I want to house a chocolate bar'.  I haven't binged in a long time (since before I stopped blogging) and I have just spent the last six months eating a lot of mall-type food (food court food etc). 

I also can't believe that I have gained about 13 pounds in six months! I really thought it was only 5 or 6 and it's really stressing me out.  I'm trying to let it go and just move on, but it's stressful...  I re-joined Weight Watchers tonight and am going to start planning and grocery shopping tomorrow and start my fist official full day on Thursday 13 December.  I hope to lose 5 pounds before Christmas. I have a relatively high goal because I know that it's easy to lose a few pounds in your first week.  I'm back up to 279 pounds or so, and I last weighed in here at 266.  Wow.  by the end of January I would like to be around 260-264. 

How have you come back from a long hiatus and succeeded? How have you changed your mindset? I'm kind of desperate for some advice at this point! :/

03 June 2012

Ravenous (the book) and weepy (me).

I have been reading a book called 'Ravenous' for the past week or so, by Dayna Macy (see her blog here).  I'll say this, I'm inspired by it.  Her writing style makes me even salivate over olives, and I can tell you right now that if I come across an olive in as much as a tomato sauce I spit it out - I'm not a fan.  She talks about discovering foods by where they come from: Visiting places like an artisan cheese maker, organic farms, and from what I read on the back cover - even a humane slaughterhouse (yikes! I'm a vegetarian!).

It's smart - she is writing about discovering what food is to her, how specific foods became her downfall and where those foods begin, what life is, etc.  I have been really trying to feel the same things by proxy: I'm trying to figure out why I have specific cravings, and how to handle them.  I recommend this book to any and every one.  I have about 1/2 - 2/3 left, and I'm savoring it as much as possible, so that I can really let it sink in and resonate.  I'd really like to start journaling about food, but I start to write and I just get this immediate 'cease and desist' notice from my brain, causing me to give up... 

After reading this I realize that I'd really like to taste food again, feel the sensual aspects of it (read the chapter of her cooking in a kitchen with a stranger!), and see if I can learn to enjoy it rather than treat it like something I should shovel in, and to use as a barrier between myself and emotions.  My friend and I were joking after we saw someone who is truly fit today: "his body is a temple. we treat ours like trash compactors."  Basically it's true. I shovel crap in and intellectually I see that it's crap.  Emotionally I'd like a connection with what I'm eating, but I don't have one.  It's doing nothing but preventing emotions; almost like a blockade. 

I have to bring this up.  I have been so emotional for the past few months.  If I see someone open the door for someone else or do something equally nice, I feel the slightest amount of tears collecting at the back of my eyes.  If I see something heartwarming on TV I pretty much break down and tear up, while swallowing as quickly as possible to stop the tears.  So help me god if I see a puppy or an adorable baby.  I can't stop these weird outbursts and I can't tell you where they come from.  I'm trying with an educated guess to suggest that it's a subconscious thing with my emotions, food, feeling stress, the inability to get to the gym and desire to go, etc.  But I would love to know how to make it stop.  Or to get it to release! I'm a system with no shut off to my pressure valve, and eventually I'm going to blow!!! 

I've had 3 sessions with a therapist now; she's nice, I like her... But she annoyed me this week by spending 10 minutes lecturing me on food and nutritionists and overeating, like I haven't heard any of that before. I'd like to work on some of the emotional stuff with her, I don't need the "mom" lecture as she called it, from her!! I already get that elsewhere thanks!!!  

28 May 2012

When three's not enough but one was too many...

I'm sure you've heard the saying about kids where 'one's not enough but two's too many'...  I've got a different take on it.

Cravings becoming binges.  My cravings are like this moment where I picture"I. O Fortuna" popping into my head and I'm this ballet dancer being pulled from side to side by two male ballet dancers, fighting over me. It's a love vs. hate relationship. Yin vs Yang.  I want it but I hate it.  I succumb.  What it comes down to is a concept that came into my head when I was starting to stuff cookies into my mouth tonight: "Three is not enough, but one was too many." Three doesn't cease your craving, but one is more than you should be eating at that point.  That's when my cravings turn into a binge...

Luckily, that stopped my eating the cookies tonight, and I only ate two.  I know it could have been much worse, so I was grateful to be able to stop.  Thought I'd share.

27 May 2012

The girl in the glass bubble.

As obvious as it might be on my most recent attempts at blogging, I'll say this: I'm struggling, I'm always anxious, I'm depressed.  I have become my outward self: "the fat chick who..." and not "the girl/woman who..."  I am stuck in my own head like a bad cassette tape that keeps replaying a five second clip of a song.  "You're fat, you're worthless, you're fat, you're worthless."  Intellectually I know that I'm not worthless, but the emotional side of me has taken over my brain and I'm just in a horrible place.

This week I think I had my first panic attack. I was driving in the most stressful city in the world (DC), and pulled into the parking lot of my new therapist.  Late because of traffic (never going to get used to how bad it is in DC), and there was this guy meandering slowly across the parking lot from my left. I made the decision to park on the right side, so probably left around 5 feet between us and turned / parked. In front of him? Sure, probably.  A risk to him? Not at all.  I've been driving for more than a decade, and I'm not a moron.  He was in no way a risk.

He came up to my car and just started shouting at me about paying attention.  I just flipped him the bird and ignored him.  So he laid into me. "Oh wow fattie, what a real lady you are. Wow chunky puff, really? Big woman, wow! pay attention, or are you too fat to see??" I mean, this man was at my car window. I just kept saying "F--- off a-hole, go away." My years of compounding PTSD set in and it was all I could do.  My seatbelt was still on, and I felt absolutely trapped, filled with rage, angry, sad, disgusted with myself, hating him. Out of control. Who was he to yell at me about my WEIGHT??

He kept threatening to get my car towed, saying that he didn't think I had a parking permit, kept calling me fat and everything like that.  I've never experienced this kind of fat discrimination before, it was always just looks from people.  But this was something else.  I started to get out of my car, because I was honestly going to hit the man.  I'm not a violent person, I've never wanted to physically go crazy and punch people, but this was amazing. As soon as I opened the door he walked away and into the building. I got my stuff and left to go in, and by that time, only seconds after him, he was gone.  He ran away like a b----!!

I went to my therapist and when she started talking about our last session I looked down at my hands and realized they were literally shaking. Never having experienced this before I did a quick mental check of my body.  My breathing was off and I was absolutely tearing up. Heaving with sobs and losing it in a fit of tears, out came the panic attack.

My therapist seemed surprised. I explained what happened and annoyingly she was calm and tried to ask me to repeat what he said. I wanted to just shout "BE ANGRY WITH ME. SIDE WITH ME. STOP ASKING ME QUESTIONS!!!" something.  But nothing came out. She tried to have my do deep breathing, but that kind of relaxing makes me panic. I get angry. I get frustrated and annoyed.  So we changed the subject. It worked within two minutes and I was able to talk about other things.

I got home and surprisingly (as I'd usually just push it down), I told my roommate.  She was angry at him, saying 'What a child! Who does he think he is?' and pretty much defended me.  That was nice.  I actually told another friend and he told me that this man wasn't worth it, because he's clearly not a good person.

When and why did I become 'the fat chick who' instead of just 'the girl/woman'.  When did my physical appearance become my identity?  A few weeks ago I watched a Lifetime movie (yes, I'm that depressed) about a girl who faked a pregnancy in high school for her Senior Project.  One poignant thing at the end of the movie was that people saw her as 'the pregnant girl who COULD have done...' instead of 'the amazingly smart girl who is destined for...'  I feel just like that.  My whole life I have felt like someone who should be able to just unzip this suit and a thin, pretty, happy, innocent again version of myself would just step out. That would be my life.  Problem solved.

My good friend told me today that I need to see 'me' as the person he sees: fun to be around, nice, easy-going, a good listener, funny, charismatic, smart etc. But I see 'the fat chick who has these attributes:.." then they're listed.   I don't know if I learned anything from this panic attack. I never want to see that A-hole again in my entire life though. Ever.  I heard a quote today 'she has the knowledge, but not the understanding', about a little girl who was overweight who knows that her health will be affected if she doesn't keep changing, but doesn't understand all of the exact consequences.

I have the knowledge, understanding, and many resources to make changes. I am fighting this battle where my intellect is going CRAZY inside of a glass bubble. It's like a 'jail cell' and my emotion is the bars, floors, walls and guard, preventing me from making a change.  Keeping me locked up. Keeping me in this "safe" place so that I don't have to live.... Breaking out will make you get cut, hurt, you'll bleed. But I WANT TO!!  How do you break out of this proverbial jail? How do you beat this system? I want all of the stuff on the "outside." I want the health, body, love life, and confidence, however I'm sitting in this emotional jail cell bubble with no way out. I know that once I get there, once I figure out how to break out I'll be unstoppable. But today.. tomorrow... who knows...

08 April 2012

Back again... Secret Service Hotties and raw foods.

I took my camera to DC today and SWOON to the Secret Service.  What's up hotties? I mean seriously; I walked for around 20-30 minutes, did a huge perimeter of the White House, and I saw maybe 20 Secret Service guys who were dressed like police (same types of outfits, but they were SS).  I swear to you out of 20, at least 18 were gorgeous, and the others were still good looking, just a little too short for my desires.  In my head I was screaming "What's cookin' good lookin'!?" and hope that it never came out aloud...

Well I'm back (again).  Every time I begin a new diet regiment (or rather re-start a better lifestyle) I become super "cravey."  I suddenly want Mexican food or fast food.  For example, I don't eat fast food (i.e. McDonalds, Burger King or Wendy's), but I've been suddenly craving Taco Bell like crazy. I don't even like Taco Bell!  I have decided that instead of doing calorie counting or Weight Watchers or anything like that, I'm going to try to just eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible in place of the crap foods that I'd usually eat.

I pulled out the almost never-opened Raw Food cookbooks that I have and am going to try to make more raw foods. For breakfast instead of Starbucks I'm going to try to make fruit smoothies and eat a Larabar about an hour after that. Then, instead of fast meals that I can microwave, I'm going to try to make sandwiches with no bread, or eat salads and foods like that.  We'll see how it goes.  I won't go 'cold turkey' into raw foods or anything, because I know that I always have the boomerang effect.  I need to have an egg in the mornings some days, I won't allow myself to feel guilty for it.

I also need to get back to the gym. I wish I liked the gym.  I am going to try to do other things, like hiking, biking, walking the dog etc.  We'll see how it goes!

Have a happy Easter / Passover / Sunday / Day off of work!

09 February 2012

Dreams vs Reality; Dancing vs Couching.

For as long as I can remember, I have made up vivid little scenarios in my head that I'd like to see happen. Sometimes it starts with a daydream and then becomes an all out scenario.  Sometimes it's just an escape for me, from the drudgery of my day-to-day existence.  For example: 

I might see a super-good looking guy in person and then daydream myself thinner and dating him.  That daydream turns into picturing my dream house that I'd remodel, us in our king-size bed with flowing curtains looking out over a large lawn with perfect grass and our two or three dogs running around the back yard.  The detail in my daydreams is somewhat frightening. I can picture my night-stand, the books on it, the books on his night stand, the paint on our walls, you name it. I dream at night like this too - often awakening to the thought of "where am I?", being confused as to why I'm not awake in my new house.

One of my longest going mock-scenario-daydreams has been that I'm a terrific dancer. I'm talking Heather Morris from Glee talented. I have many quasi-secrets and daydreams regarding dancing. The first and probably oldest is that I am wonderful at ballroom dancing, and can perform dances like the waltz, foxtrot and tango. I picture myself like Princess Diana, dancing in fancy gowns, amazing jewelry, terribly uncomfortable shoes.  They become more modern as I've aged.  I am not generally a hip-hop dancer fan, and holy crap anything that Glee puts out I dream about being involved with.   I have this secret dream that the creators of Glee will put out a series of exercise videos, with sections for beginning, intermediate and experienced dancers.  It's something that I could really get into and sweat to. It would encourage me to lose weight. Also, it's probably a cash cow, because people love that show! <Glee plug over>

I don't know what these scenario-daydreams are about, or even when they got started - I don't have them all of the time, sometimes once a day, or twice if I'm feeling lonely or anxious.  I was relatively active as a kid, but was teased and beat up (emotionally, mentally and occasionally physically) throughout my childhood, so turned to food and gave up activity. I even had my parents tell me things like 'this sport is going to be too competitive in high school, you won't be able to compete at that level.'  I have a feeling they were trying to protect me from the pain of failing a tryout, or the inability to attend meets and travel games due to a lack of familial finances at the time, but I'll never know if I could have competed at that level.  I always felt second best, second rate, second class.  It was almost in a sense...engrained in me. 

I have this intellectual side that says that the dreams are probably a way for me to feel normal and what I picture others' lives like; an escape from my day-to-day life. A lot of times I know that these things are just things that I want.  Having PTSD, I find myself reverting to these scenarios when I'm feeling vulnerable or anxious. After an assault that I went through, for some time I found that they were nearly all bad scenarios: picturing myself bloody,  traumatized, beaten up, etc.  Then they turned back to 'normal' or desirous. The emotional side of me feels childish, doesn't want them to stop; I feel more whole in them because in them I get what I want.  It's like an imagination-based 'Second Life' game (which by the way, freaks me out and I find creepy)

Part of me feels trapped, like they are a security blanket from the PTSD. I know that I can be happy when I escape into my inner-mind: in love with my "boyfriend", thin, happy, athletic.  None of these scenarios currently exist in real life.  I sometimes wonder if I'm too scared to find them in real life because I'll be disappointed by what I find, as I've created such a tall pedestal upon which my expectations sit.  I hope that this doesn't make me come off as crazy.  I can absolutely discern the fact from fiction, and know that when I daydream or create a scenario, it's not real; I start or stop them at any given moment.  Hmm, I don't know.  Maybe I'll find a way to eventually make some of my dreams a happy reality!